carry-info: basicsource
type: type
process: pointer
pickup-time: time-frame
other-value: float
other: handle
point: vector
normal: vector
max-angle: degrees
max-distance: meters
max-pull: meters
min-pull: meters
grab-trans-blend: float
carry-radius: meters
backup-radius: meters
joint: int8
mode: carry-mode
face-dir: int8
local-point: vector
local-normal: vector
grab-quat: quaternion
grab-trans: vector
hold-trans: vector
carry-info-method-9(obj: carry-info) => nonesource
distance-from-destination(obj: carry-info, arg0: carry-info) => floatsource
Returns the distance from the current `point` and the provided carry-info `point`.
Returns `-1.0` if it exceeds the maximum allowed
Returns `-1.0` if it exceeds the maximum allowed
drag!(obj: carry-info, arg0: carry-info) => nonesource
drop-impl!(obj: carry-info, arg0: carry-info) => nonesource
carry-info-method-13(obj: carry-info) => symbolsource
carry!(obj: carry-info, arg0: carry-info, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => nonesource
drop!(obj: carry-info, arg0: carry-info) => nonesource
translate!(obj: carry-info) => symbolsource
grunt-mech: gruntsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
carry: carry-info
rbody: rigid-body-control
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape
focus-status: focus-status
root-override2: collide-shape-moving
fact-info-override: fact-info-enemy
enemy-flags: enemy-flag
enemy-info: enemy-info
hit-points: int32
gnd-collide: uint32
attack-id: uint32
persistent-attack-id: uint32
water-max-height: meters
water-surface-height: meters
desired-angle: degrees
jump-why: uint64
penetrated-by-all: penetrate
penetrated-flinch: penetrate
penetrated-knocked: penetrate
reaction-time: time-frame
notice-time: time-frame
state-timeout: time-frame
auto-reset-penetrate-time: time-frame
hit-focus-time: time-frame
last-draw-time: time-frame
starting-time: time-frame
fated-time: time-frame
focus-pos: vector
event-param-point: vector
jump-dest: vector
focus: enemy-focus
incoming: enemy-attack-info
actor-group: pointer
actor-group-count: int32
neck: joint-mod
on-notice: symbol
on-active: symbol
on-hostile: symbol
on-death: symbol
idle-anim-player: idle-control
rand-gen: symbol
enemy-info-override: nav-enemy-info
frustration-point: vector
move-dest: vector
frustration-time: time-frame
blocked-start-time: time-frame
restore-nav-radius-time: time-frame
nav-radius-backup: float
patrol-anim: grunt-anim-info
charge-anim: grunt-anim-info
attack-anim: grunt-anim-info
knocked-anim: grunt-anim-info
yellow-hit-anim: grunt-anim-info
blue-hit-anim: grunt-anim-info
intro-path: path-control
use-charge-anim-index: int8
knocked-anim-index: int8
jumping-ambush-path-pt: int8
grunt-flags: uint8
unknown-byte-n1k2n3: int8
unknown-byte-m2j342: int8
unknown-byte-1ji2n3: int8
unknown-byte-n123n: int8
state-timeout2: uint64
next-warn-time: time-frame
dest: vector
minimap: connection-minimap
hold-id: int8
dismount-dest: vector
mech-lunge: unknown
mech-hold: unknown
mech-dismount: unknown
mech-post-circling: unknown
mech-pre-circling: unknown
grunt-mech-method-191(obj: grunt-mech) => nonesource
grunt-mech-method-192(obj: grunt-mech) => symbolsource
grunt-mech-method-193(obj: grunt-mech) => intsource
grunt-mech-method-194(obj: grunt-mech) => nonesource
grunt-mech-method-195(obj: grunt-mech, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector) => symbolsource
grunt-mech-hold: structuresource
grunt-mech-info: basicsource
type: type
reserved-mask: uint8
last-update-time: time-frame
holds: grunt-mech-hold
grunt-mech-info-method-9(obj: grunt-mech-info, arg0: int, arg1: process, arg2: symbol) => symbolsource
grunt-mech-info-method-10(obj: grunt-mech-info) => nonesource
grunt-mech-hold-post() => nonesource
mech-info: basicsource
type: type
entity: basic
hud: handle
mech-trans: vector
mech-quat: vector
mech-scale: vector
engine-sound-id: uint32
engine-sound-volume: float
engine-sound-pitch: float
thrust-sound-id: uint32
drag-sound-id: uint32
whine-sound-id: uint32
mech-start-time: time-frame
mech-time: time-frame
no-get-off-time: time-frame
stick-lock: basic
stick-off: basic
forward-vel: meters
jump-thrust: meters
jump-thrust-fuel: float
unstuck-time: time-frame
stuck-count: int32
back-touch-point: vector
back-touch-trans: vector
back-touch-time: time-frame
attack-id: uint32
shield-value: float
shield-max: float
walk-anim-leg: int32
state-impact?: symbol
state-impact: impact-control
thruster-flame-width: meters
thruster-flame-length: meters
thruster-local-pos: vector
exhaust-local-pos: vector
exhaust-local-dir: vector
smoke-local-pos: vector
smoke-local-vel: vector
particle-system-2d: basic
particle-system-3d: basic
part-thruster: basic
part-thruster-scale-x: sp-field-init-spec
part-thruster-scale-y: sp-field-init-spec
part-quat: quaternion
part-vel: vector
mech-spawn-thruster(arg0: mech-info, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: float, arg4: float) => nonesource
Draws the mech's thrusters